There is something for everyone in Dubai. Romance. Action. Nature. Adventure. Family.
Just like the world of film.
What better way to showcase all that Dubai has to offer than through the medium of film trailers.
Although they didn’t pick our campaign in the pitch winning presentation, we were super thrilled and grateful to concept, write and look after a couple of trailers as part of a huge 10 part, fully integrated campaign.
Big shout out to Craig Gillespie, Sophia Ray, Ana & Hermeti, Craig A, Dayoung, Georgina and Marcello, and the rest of brilliant team at Mother, Bold and MJZ for getting it of the door looking so fab :)
Romance, now playing in Dubai
We also had a lot of fun weaving in product points into the end credits, in the style of the genre of holiday / film…
Family Fun, now playing in Dubai (in the style of a Pixar animation)
Nature, now playing in Dubai (in the style of a Terrence Malik experiential drama)
Action, now playing in Dubai
For each of the films we also concepted and art directed film trailer-esque posters to run as digital and OOH. Big shout out to Mike Mercer Brown for making it look so great.
There are 2 more films and posters we wrote and executed to come out shortly…